Monday, January 24, 2011

Pink Weekend

My 5-year celebration lasted most of the weekend.   It's been a flurry of pinkness!

Beautiful, and oh so fragrant, roses from Bill.
We had a small family (3 out of 4 kids in attendance, ain't bad) dinner/celebration at my favorite mexican restaurant, La Loma, on Saturday night. 
Cheers to the milestone.  May we never pass through this way again.
Lots of pink loot!
I am so touched by the goodness in our children.  Sometimes I wonder where it is, why it's missing, or what I did wrong in their upbringing...and then, I am reminded that it was there all along, just waiting for the appropriate moment to emerge and overwhelm and surprise the mom!
Thank you for all you do (and all that you are).
Oh, and the guts it took to wear a pink shirt x two!
A big thank you to all who have expressed such kind words.  It touches my heart.

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